CWI Statements

An Era of Capitalist Turmoil

The 2020s is set to be a decade of explosive developments and upheavals in all countries. There is not a country where political and social turmoil are not present to one degree or another. The lightning speed at which events are unfolding is a feature of the era we have entered. Capitalism is in its deepest crisis since the 1930s with crucial changes in the world situation and economy. The capitalist classes will be confronted with crisis management, stumbling from one crisis to the next. Conversely the working class and revolutionaries are faced with the task of rebuilding the workers’ movement- building combative trade unions, constructing mass parties and revolutionary parties to resolve the crisis of leadership which currently exists. [click to read more]

Workers Day

WORKERS DAY 2021 | Seize the Opportunities to Build Working Class Unity

Workers Day 2021 marks the 35th anniversary of Cosatu’s 1986 stayaway. At least 1.5 million workers took part in that general strike of thirty-five years ago. Topping the list of workers’ demands was the recognition of 1 May as a public holiday.

The accelerated pace of events in the coming years will cut both ways. The working class will more rapidly be able to test-out different programmes and organisations. The looming public sector showdown will be a vital, potentially decisive, test that will redefine the relationship of class forces of the 2020s. [click to read more]