Comment & Analysis

Ensure the Working Class Summit is a GENUINE Parliament of the Working Class!

Unite all Struggles Around A Launch Date for Workers Party

On 10 and 11 May (provisionally), nearly three since it first met, the Working Class Summit (WCS) will reconvene. This has the potential to be an enormous step-forward for the working class, one for which the MWP has campaigned for more than two years.

Saftu convened the original WCS in July 2018. 1,000 delegates attended representing 147 working class organisations drawn from trade unions, other worker campaigns, community groups and youth structures. At the time we described this gathering as “an historic step forward”. [click to read more]

Comment & Analysis

A Reply to City Press’s Mondli Makhanya

City Press Editor Mondli Makhanya’s article “Beware the Entryists of the ANC” reflects the growing alarm within society over the threats posed by the ANC’s RET faction. … Makhanya seizes upon an entirely superficial analysis, drawing a parallel between the reactionary political activities of the RET faction and the Marxist Workers Tendency of the ANC (MWT), forerunner of the MWP. By binding them together in the equivalent of a “doctrine of common purpose” to take over the ANC through the crime of “entryism” – he sows confusion. [click to read more]

Student & Youth

STUDENT PROTESTS | Build an INDEPENDENT Mass Socialist Student & Youth Movement

We believe that the vast majority of students will be watching the protests with sympathy, hoping for victories, but will be completely repulsed by the political affiliation and methods of those currently dominating the leadership.

Those students watching with itchy feet, eager to hit the streets, but currently holding back, as well as any genuine activists in Sasco, EFFSC etc. must make the call for the building of a new and independent mass socialist student and youth movement. This is the unfinished business of 2015’s #FeesMustFall. [click to read more]