Comment & Analysis

WORKING CLASS DAY OF ACTION | The ANC’s PPE-tender Corruption is the last straw!

The symbolic protests by left activists taking place on 1 August have been called because of a growing feeling that something must be done. If the ANC government is left in charge of managing the pandemic, if capitalism and the profit motive continue to determine what is, and what is not, ‘possible’, the working class is heading for disaster. The working class needs to take charge. But how can the mass of the working class be mobilised to do this? Because that is what it will take to switch tracks and avoid the oncoming train-smash. [click to read more]

Community Struggle

Return to School: Safety Must be Priority

The decision of when to open and close schools should be under the control of local communities based primarily on health consideration. The SGBs have shown their willingness to toe the government line. We call for the creation of School Safety Committees made up of democratically elected representatives of teachers, parents and learners from grades 7 and up. [click to read more]